As in, you find yourself in the middle of a volitile situation, and you have NO idea how it happened?
It happens to me far too often.
I have a theory about drama. People who SAY they hate drama, are the biggest drama queens out of everyone. If you ever meet someone, and within your first 3 conversations with them, they mention the word "drama" and how much they HATE drama...RUN THE OTHER WAY!!! SAVE YOURSELF! I'm serious.
Let me be the first to say, I can appreciate a little drama. Sticking my nose in my friend's business? Don't mind if I do! Somebody do something negative to any of my family or friends? BRING IT!
Nobody messes with a mama bear and her cubs, so to speak.
HOWEVER...there have been times when I've been completely taken off guard by the tidal wave of drama that I find myself in.
For example...
My brother-in-law "S" is from Ghana. A pure African. Great guy. He is VERY dark.
("S" is the one on the far left)
A few years ago, one of my little brothers was getting married. I THINK it was my littlest brother, which would have made this 2007.
After the reception, I was standing around outside (at night), talking with my dad, sister, and whoever else was within earshot. Somebody asked me if I had seen "S". I hadn't, but I scanned the crowd, silhouetted against the night sky. I spotted "S", and pointed him out to the individual looking for him.
Somebody, (I think it was my dad, but I'm not entirely sure) said something along the lines of "Oh! I didn't see him there!"
To which I replied "Well, he does kind of blend in with the dark background."
I meant no harm. I was making a simple statement of fact, to explain why someone who was just as far away from "S" as I was, wouldn't have been able to spot him.
That is NOT how it was received. My sister AND my dad unleashed a tirade against racism on me, that did not stop until I fled the area in tears.
I would have really appreciated Ashton Kutcher entering at any time. Surely, I could not have deserved such retribution for a simple observation, right?
Bottom line: You should all be grateful you only know me through blog land. I should carry around my own safety cones, because I am a MAGNET for drama. Do I like it? No. But, I seem to have stepped in yet another pile of it.
Since Ashton hasn't shown...maybe I'm on Candid Camera???