Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Desperate Times

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. Well, I must say that I agree...

I was so busy doing about 9 loads of laundry yesterday, that I wasn't paying much attention to what Bug and Boo were doing, sans toys and tv, to occupy themselves.  It wasn't until Roon got home, that Bug announced that he had spent the day playing on his "laptop".  Roon went to find out what he was talking about, and this is what he saw.  Hey, it seems like our new discipline idea has done more than kept the upstairs clean...it has awakened their imaginations! 


Emmy said...

Lol! What a high tech laptop :)

beckyjune said...

That's cute! If that's all it takes to keep him occupied you've got it pretty easy. ☺

Myya said...

How cute is that! LOVE imaginations... especially since I have none. :)

Macey said...

What's funny (or sad) is that I knew immediately that was supposed to be a laptop! Hilarious!
Do another Quince Quote. I want what you gave Myya. Like, yesterday.

shortmama said...

Your plan is working....bwahahahahaha