Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Time Is It?!

Come on, really.  What time IS IT?!


On the bright side, if I can't tell what time it is, I don't have to feel guilty about oversleeping, right???

This post brought to you by the recent outbreak in storms that caused the power surge that broke my iHome.  Thanks, Mother Nature!  You owe me $40.


Shawn said...


Amy said...

Wow. So sorry. I think you have every excuse to sleep in. Your alarm clock is on the blink.

Megan Harmeyer said...

Oops! Well, at least you got to sleep in, right?

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

When you talk to Mother Nature, let her know she owes me some flower pots from the ones she broke last winter.

Emmy said...

Doh! Hope you guys are staying safe

Macey said...

Mother nature...she's such a ho.
Seriously, I saw this LOONY lady on tv the other day talking about how Mother Nature needs to be lawyers. WTH?!

Randomlicious Memoirs said...

WOW!! That sucks!

Myya said...

Bum-Mah! I started using my cell phone as my alarm clock. LOL

Xazmin said...

Stinkin' mother nature. She really sucks sometimes.

Anonymous said...

That stinks! I suggest you sue, right away!

Lisa said...

Stupid weather!!!

Bridget said...

Oh man, that totally stinks! If Mother Nature pays up, let me know...she owes me, too...

Mamarazzi said...

yikes!! that mother nature has not been very nice to my friends lately.